Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Some Thoughts About Blogs

So what makes a good blog?  First of all, it must have some credibility.  Anyone can write about anything, but you have to have cred to be read!  I also think the organization and design of the blog matters.  If it is boring or disorganized, people won't come back.  Finally, a really good blog includes links and embedded video, etc.  It expands the interest in the topic and keeps people engaged.

My blog will help me communicate with the teachers and administrators throughout COOR in a new way.  Instead of just passing along information, my blog will allow me to process my thinking visibly and get feedback on that thinking in a timely manner.  Probably the best part of belonging to the professional networks is having the conversations that challenge our thinking in new ways.  Sharing that on my blog will expand this collaboration to more people.

Blogs provide a super simple way to publish and get to a wide audience efficiently.  It couldn't be easier!

TLA-TAL Getting Started

I now have launched the blog and have to contemplate what I hope to get out of the Teacher as Learner course:  21 Things for Administrators.  I am very excited about working through many of the technology applications, and hope to streamline and organize my work.  I use technology every day but so often I feel that I am inefficient in that usage.  (Sometimes I feel like I have about one million accounts but I lose track of them and god forbid that I have to remember all of the passwords!  Do you ever feel like this?)  I am also really looking forward to the collaboration.  Learning how others are using the various tools will be infinitely helpful to me.  And finally, I am excited that I get to ask all my "stupid" technology questions without least I hope that is the case!  It seems like a safe environment to explore and apply new thinking.  Whew...lots of work ahead!

Dipping My Toe in the Water

Yikes!  I have finally started my first blog!  I am standing at the edge of this huge pool of technology, not sure if I can swim yet, but dipping my toe in the water to feel the temperature!  I am excited because I have been trying to make myself start a blog for my job as a consultant for COOR.  Resources, new ideas I'm being challenged by, lists of books I've come across that work well as mentor text or read-alouds...all of these things would make good blog posts! I am!  We'll see how it goes.